#RELIEF in 2021

Right now, my art is taking a turn in a new direction. Linking into my philosophy of mental health and wellbeing, I am interested in painting from the inside out. I have seen the truth in the unconditional – i.e. knowing that no one or no thing can make us happy (other than our true self).


When I translate this to a canvas – this means I am exploring the notion of stripping conditions away so we are left with our Ultimate Self and pure potential which I highlight on canvas through relief, impressions and texture. 

Life throws us many curveballs and we may feel hurt and bruised, but if we know that we are not bound by our past; if we see that our circumstance happens for us not to us – we see that we are whole, not broken.  


Ultra High Resolution Photography


Inspiring talk with Year 9 art students at JCoSS School